Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053

Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053

Management of the teams on-call production

Clever Technologies

The Management of the teams on-call production allows to warn the technical staff to intervene as soon as possible to maintain the productivity of the system of production Outside hours and working days he(it) is essential to plan on-call teams to answer the possible problems of the users, or answer the problems of dysfunction on automatons.

Manage the schedules of the teams on call to guarantee the production

Supervision of production: how to guarantee the functioning of the production including when this one is used outside office hours? A failure of the systems, the men(people) being possible it is necessary to act quickly afin of restarting the active user device(plan), a bad manipulation being never excluded.

Adaptez votre supervision avec une surveillance 24h/24 7j/7, et diminuez les pannes, alarmes informatiques et optimisez les interventions de vos agents d’astreinte sur site.Management of the teams on-call production

 24h/24 7j/7First challenge to maintain the production: the orchestration of the schedules of the on-call team and the communications tools between the systems, IF, Automatons and the men(people).
Clever Technologies with press a Web interface to interact at a distance(remotely) with the failing system and so answer with one on-call management tool of effective production. Directly since the motive(mobile) via a Web interface the on-call staff can act and launch remote procedures. He(it) will take care of the intervention with the possibility of acquitting(settling) the alarm to indicate the hour of coverage(care) with one option of occurring(speaking) code.
The customers who use our software imposed management MEMOGuard all set up the options of acquittal(payment) to guarantee the traceability of the interventions with complete logs detailing(retailing) the entire intervention and of its progress. The DSI appreciates(estimates) the Web interface of accessible(approachable) supervision via a tablet smartphone, iPad, iPhone. They visualize(display) the completeness of the active device(plan) so allowing to guarantee the preservation of the production.
In these conditions, the person in charge must be indeed able to be reachable permanently on its mobile phone, by e-mail or on the line of landline telephone.
MEMOGuard allows to warn(prevent) the not present on-call operators in front of their post(post office) of supervision of the release of an alarm. The alarm went back up(raised) on the supervisor and activates(starts) the procedure bound(connected) has the alert. Immediately the on-call staff to guarantee the production has to acquit(settle) the alarm. Temporarily a process of swap of the alarms can be also activated, allowing an on-call group, to substitute itself for an other one with full knowledge of the facts.

Diffuse MEMOGuard and passes on(transmits) its information to the on-call operators via numerous media such as the SMS, the email, the fax, the SMS Voice(Vote), beeper:

· Phone (fixed or mobile): the operators are called by telephone on the fixed line, the on-call agent listens to the alarms and acquit(settle) them in the integrated(joined) voice server.
· Sending of SMS to alert(notify) via mobile phone or pager, the off-site working operators with possibility of answer/
· Systems of pager dedicated to alert(notify) quickly the operators of on-site or off-site working maintenance.
· Fax, distant printer and email to receive written reports(relationships) or vocalized on the detected alarms and on their contexts.
· Internet browser or mobile phone WAP for the management of the alarms on the Web interface of MEMOGuard.
· Finally, MEMOGuard can also put in (phone) relation several participants(speakers), to answer better the displayed(exposed) problem.
For needs for traceability, the on-call calls(appeals) and their possible acquittals(payments) made by the operators can be registered(recorded) by MEMOGuard.

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