Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

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Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053


Quels sont les avantages du monitoring SCADA dans l’industrie ?

Le monitoring SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) est un outil essentiel dans l’industrie, permettant une supervision et un contrôle en temps réel des processus industriels. Le monitoring SCADA : Un atout incontournable pour l’industrie moderne Il offre une multitude d’avantages pour optimiser la productivité, améliorer la qualité des produits, garantir la sécurité des travailleurs, … Lire plus

SMS Alerts Monitoring & Scheduling sms alarm


Scheduler Monitoring with sms  alerts

A good supervisor must be completed by a kind of scheduler Nagios or whatever.
Indeed what is the use of computer monitoring systems , to ensure their availability, prevent failure to detect anomalies in plain ensure all management phases of an information site, if we do not have a good supervision alarm and alert.

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Monitoring server software to monitor all SI alarms

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MEMOGuard is a  Server Monitoring software is the monitoring tool of information systems you need, you can optimize your server network, and sleep peacefully. MEMOGuard the Monitoring Server solution will monitor the health of your systems and will attract your attention, if it requires attention, the supervisor alarming or alerting you via the most appropriate media, SMS, fax, voice message on phone lines fixed, or email, pager, radio 5tons, printers.

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Monitoring solution | Oversee all facilities

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The monitoring solution allows you to control your infrastructure and information systems. The solution is intended to monitor the operating status of the materials or technical equipment.
The pay supervision software, MEMOGuard applies to all types of architecture, software and situations. It is a real supervision application, which is positioned above all other tools to centralize alarms all equipment and transmit all real-time alert messages to guard whatever personal communication channel, email , sms, pager, fax …

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Monitoring Supervision : Control and monitor all systems.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Supervision MonitoringMEMOGuard The software allows to make monitoring supervision on all present in enterprise systems. The supervision and monitoring of installations, alarms and alerts go through the MEMOGuard software that will then automatically handle the situation and alert people on call, launch a script or stop and restart a system, a process (application)

Monitoring to supervise and monitor events

Often when we try here and there, it is made ​​of differences between monitoring and supervision  ; and yet it is somewhat and somewhere the same thing. The term « monitoring » is once again an Anglicism used primarily in the computer context and implies monitoring, control, alert, verification, hence the term supervision.

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Monitoring IT and Industrial production systems


The computer system of production supervision system

The supervision of production systems is an industrial technical monitoring and computer control of automated methods and manufacturing. It concerns the acquisition and compilation of data (measures, data, alarms, means, interruption, back to good working order) and control of process parameters usually delivered to programmable machines.

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Monitoring Software with computer warning system compelled management


Computer Monitoring and control with a supervision system

The computer monitoring software or computer supervision MemoGuard 2014 is a relatively easy technical perspective to explain. This is repeated sequentially a process of testing or monitoring of a person and / or property physics. The objective is to acquire quickly and easily crisp, clear vision events or malfunctions in the predetermined reference period.
The computer monitoring or technical surveillance as part of the implementation of a security policy data and computer networks , can be classified into three main families providing different levels of information: use and training MemoGuard 2014 monitoring or supervision computer.
Supervision Tool
– Monitoring and Network Monitoring Software: This kind of active supervision will allow to analyze the availability of a remote hard equipment connected to a computer network. The technologies used for this type of supervision are very simple and the level of information returned is filtered.
– Monitoring software or application monitoring: Using this monitoring, we will have a visibility across physical equipment but also the applications that are executed and the information they return.
– Monitoring and Surveillance System Software: Located in the heart of the computer system, it will provide real-time information on the use microprocessor, memory, etc ….
For the first two cases, it is essential that tests are carried out directly by equipment that are not on the machine itself, but relocated to distance and the fact of making them from remote sites makes sense if the server is intended external users (Internet connections). MemoGuard 2014 will provide in this context, a user view from the places where he is resident.

To illustrate, we take for example the case of a Web server:
MemoGuard computer network monitoring software will allow us to check that the connection is operational and so that websites can logically be viewed by users.
MemoGuard , application monitoring software will specify that the server is up and running, and even automatically control the content of the web page.
This example takes into account the « reliability » approach MemoGuard.
The monitoring software or computer MemoGuard supervision is a relatively easy technical perspective to explain. This is repeated sequentially a process of testing or monitoring of a person and / or property physics.The objective is to acquire quickly and easily crisp, clear vision events or malfunctions in the predetermined reference period.
The computer monitoring or technical surveillance as part of the implementation of a security policy data and computer networks , can be classified into three main families providing different levels of information: use and training MemoGuard 2014 monitoring or computer supervision.
– Monitoring and Network Monitoring: This kind of active supervision will allow to analyze the availability of a remote hard equipment connected to a computer network. The technologies used for this type of supervision are very simple and the level of information returned is filtered.
– Monitoring and Application Monitoring: Using this monitoring, we will have a visibility across physical equipment but also the applications that run on it and the information they return.
– Monitoring and surveillance system: the heart of the computer system, it will provide real-time information on the use microprocessor, memory, etc ….
For the first two cases, it is essential that tests are carried out directly by equipment that are not on the machine itself, but relocated to distance and the fact of making them from remote sites makes sense if the server is intended external users (Internet connections). MemoGuard provide in this context, a user view from the places where he is resident.
To illustrate, we take for example the case of a Web server:
The control software and computer network monitoring will enable us to check that the connection is operational and so that websites can logically be viewed by users.
MemoGuard, application monitoring software will specify that the server is up and running, and even automatically control the content of the web page.
This example takes into account the « reliability » approach MemoGuard.
More information on our monitoring solution:

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