Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

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Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053

Monitoring server software to monitor all SI alarms

Clever Technologies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MEMOGuard is a  Server Monitoring software is the monitoring tool of information systems you need, you can optimize your server network, and sleep peacefully. MEMOGuard the Monitoring Server solution will monitor the health of your systems and will attract your attention, if it requires attention, the supervisor alarming or alerting you via the most appropriate media, SMS, fax, voice message on phone lines fixed, or email, pager, radio 5tons, printers.

Server monitoring software for the management of all alarms from IT

MEMOGuard powerful and robust monitoring server tool, thanks to its drivers and its multiple inputs (hundreds of different sensors) allows monitoring in real time and permanently any type of machine regardless of the monitored server.

  • Supervision of database servers
  • Supervision of print servers, automatons
  • Supervision of web servers , web application
  • Supervision of mail servers windows, linux, … ..
  • Online & Remote Monitoring of all Windows services, linux ..

SupervisionMonitoring computer servers with management periodic penalty payments in SaaS

MEMOGuard Monitoring Remote Server can be used as a hosted (SaaS) with his or HMI Version installed on your site (standalone), access to the administration (web interface), you will have a monitoring and a check of all vital elements of your installation.
The Monitoring Server MEMOGuard software will allow you to access logs, control defects, change of gauge, the web accessibility, to control and to be alerted according to the severity depending on the urgency, including stopping and restarting a complete system.
MEMOGuard Applying Monitoring Servers, you will record in its historical, all anomalies and fluctuations allowing you to control and operation of your systems. Alarms will be sent according to severity levels of a problem you can perform remotely if necessary.
MEMOGuard software Monitoring Server supports all industry standard protocols and of course TCP / IP serial links. It natively includes a module  SNMP supervision .
The computer monitoring or technical surveillance as part of the implementation of a security policy data and computer networks , can be classified into three main families providing different levels of information: use and training MemoGuard 2014 computer monitor or computer supervision.
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