Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053

Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

Appelez-nous au +33.160536053

Supervision of staffs of maintenance

Supervision of the staff, the on-call management of the technical teams

The specialist of the on-call management, CLEVER Technologies suggests you trying the solution MEMOGuard. The MEMOGuard software is a supervisor who notifies in case of problem the staff according to the on-call schedule.

Oversee the staff of technical guard and the teams with a software of on-call management.

  1. Supervision of the health workers in the medical world
  2. Supervision of the agents of on-call and night interventions
  3. Supervision of the technical teams for IT services
  4. Supervision of staffs of maintenance in the industrial world
  5. Supervision of the municipal agents during Plan of Forecast of the risks
  6. Supervision of the died man (management of the sensitive sites).

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