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52 Rue d'Emerainville 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg

Dispatcher the real time alarms

The solution of supervision MEMOGuard allows to dispatcher the alarms according to the available staff, the tool allows of manager all the teams of guard with a real time visualization of the current interventions via the Web interface.
The MemoGuard system can thus dispatcher all the warning messages towards other on-call people, “alternative” during the intervention of the team of already current(already in class) maintenance. This alternative(alternate) penalty will then be in charge of sorting out (dispatcher the information of alert) alerts of circumstance and real alarms. The purpose is being of not not “Noyer” the on-call participants on all the false alarms, and which they eventually allow to pass a real alarm.

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Dispatcher the alarms according to the teams of guard

The system of distribution of the alarms MEMOGuard is going to determine the alarms which will be subjected to groups of swap.
Example an assembly line breaks down all the alarms of this chain(channel) will use the same group of swap not to pollute your teams of penalties, it can be possible on every types of technical and industrial IT supervision.
The system of distribution of the alarms MEMOGuard is going to determine the alarms which will be subjected to groups of swap.
MEMOGuard answers perfectly the market need and allows to mutualize all the tools of a company on a single console of supervision, in the only purpose is to distribute and dispatcher the alarms and the alerts according to the nature of the intervention and the available on-call teams.
The system of distribution of the alarms MEMOGuard is going to determine the alarms which will be subjected(submitted) to groups of swap.
When this option is activated in the parameters of MemoGuard, for every alarm 2 additional information is to be informed(to inform):
– The group of swap
– The action(share) of swap
The group: when that a swap of alarm will be made, he(it) will not be him(it) for an alarm, but for a group of alarms. MemoGuard proposes 32 groups. It is always possible not to allocate a group of swap to an alarm; in this case, she can never be “Swappée”

The action(share) of swap: it is the procedure (or the weekly schedule) that will be executed during the release of the alarm instead of the one who is defined in level 1 of the same alarm, when the group of swap with which she is connected was ” swappé “.


You look for a tool allowing the implementation of a phone on-call dispatch:

We expose you a concrete example of distribution of the alarms with MEMOGuard in SaaS for our customer. Our customer, living in Martinique, must be able to call a fixed number, which would be the one of a device making then the broadcast of the call(appeal) towards the engineer of guard(guarding,nurse) (4 or 5 numbers of Belgian GSM, in this particular case). The device has to allow an easy(well-to-do) encoding of the numbers to call up according to days and hours of penalties. The device must be able to allow a basic follow-up of the calls(appeals) received on behalf of our customer.

You look for a tool allowing the implementation of a phone on-call dispatch:

  1. We have French-speaking and Dutch-speaking customers. Would it be possible to parametrize a choice of language during the reception of the call(appeal)?
    Yes it is possible to parametrize several languages(tongues) according to calling him(it), via the seizure of a customer code to identify the language(tongue) suited.
  2. We have different services(departments) of penalties according to the customers. Would it be possible to parametrize a choice of type(chap) of product during the reception of the call(appeal)?
  3. It is possible to choose a message according to the product, the device which activates(starts) the alert, and via a unique(only) code identifying the product
    It is possible to ask calling him(it) to enter a code of validation, to reassure(secure) the line and avoid

To acquit(Settle) alarms with a code on fixed line allows to have a ‘ acknowledgement of receipt of the coverage(care) of the alarm, or some event, via the newspaper of the alerts.
We invite you to try free of charge our solution for dispatcher the alarms according to the available staff made the good choice with a solution of management of penalties, developed by a French publisher(editor), recognized by all the professionals of the market, for more than 20 years.
The software of management and on-call management assures(insures) you the surveillance(supervision) of all your alerts and alarm that they are or not centralized with a traceability of the interventions for a future, so necessary analysis.