Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

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Supervisez les alarmes avec une technologie Made in France

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Computer monitoring software | computer systems Supervision

Clever Technologies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The supervision of IT systems , is a technical and computer control to automate the actions or processes. The data and parameters obtained are transferred to a PLC or software for better management and monitoring, and it is the role of system supervision computer MEMOGuard, of Clever Technologies editor.

Computer monitoring software for technical systems

In the computer world & industrial, process will be supervised by a diagnostic application, or command control, or by a simple monitoring application. Generally, it is a single computer or network with different devices: PLCs, modems, various specialized maps, sensors, cameras, dry contacts, etc etc.
Computer supervision , or be single or multi stations, often doubled (master station, slave station), to ensure backup in case of necessity, no one taking the other to ensure continuity of service.
The supervision of the computer system is also sometimes called, Manager alarms, in any case, she plays the role, attracting the attention of physical operators, on failures and defects or thresholds are exceeded alerts, dating and s ‘displayed on the screens.
Good surveillance information systems, involves supervision of computer systems, networks, and equipment suitable and which will meet the main concerns of managers that the managent, especially as certain alarms and alerts can be triggered to other.
So it will be easy to control with the supervision system:

  • Application, the right sequences of procedures, their monitoring and control of business applications.
  • Technical, infrastructure monitoring systems, flow stations and other tools.
  • Monitoring of all alarms and intrusion systems.
  • Service, indicators limits and other controls management parameters.
  • Metier, supervision of all trades and business automation

Check operation with the software IT supervision, requires the use of a supervisor, who by the early-warning system (sms, emails, voice mails, etc) will alert the service or the person on call for surgery.
Generally, for the supervision of systems and networks, the following elements are the most controlled:

  • Availability
  • Controlling Inflows / outgoing
  • Processors
  • Memoirs
  • Storage
  • Virus
  • Spam

For reasons related to technology, and to limit the costs of the licenses, new uses have emerged and it is the case of the supervision of systems and networks, SaaS or ASP, which allows good control application security, proceeding by a application monitoring .
For all users ASP or SaaS is:

  • An implementation speed
  • Easy (without internal management)
  • A desire not to invest heavily.
  • An easy to use Internet
  • A management solution for geographically dispersed sites.

Further information on the supervision computer software :


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